When it comes to scams, the crypto space is rife with the plague, and just like in crypto, the NFT world is full of fraudsters. Unfortunately, the fraudsters have clever cons that are nearly impossible to detect, and without a proper understanding of the NFT space, getting duped is very easy. Aside from the scams, the competitive spirit of creators may escalate the price of these NFTs by a large margin, making them unavailable to the fans.
The Whitelist
There is always an answer when you look hard enough, and in the case of NFT scams, the providers’ answer is a safelist or a “whitelist.” The list comprises all individuals allowed to create new NFTs. NFT providers use the allowlist to control who can mint NFTs to avoid fraud and ensure that people who are passionate about the project can mint NFTs. The process to get on an NFT allow list is straightforward; you need to apply and meet the requirements set by the provider.
Uses of the Whitelist
To Prevent Fraud
By restricting who can mint NFTs, NFT providers can help to prevent fraud in the following ways:
When the providers limit the number of people who can mint the NFTs, they have more control over the content, and they can ensure that no one fakes their NFTs.
By Requesting approval to enter an allow list, the providers ensure that people who are genuinely interested in the project are allowed. In addition, this approval process discourages fraudsters and scammers in their pursuits. Overall, using a safe list helps to reduce the risk of fraud and ensure that the NFT market has high-quality, legitimate NFTs.
Prevent Gas Wars
A Gas war typically involves two or more parties competing to mint an NFT; when left to thrive, gas wars can cause the gas fees (fees rendered to Ethereum to process the transactions of NFTs) to get out of hand.
To prevent gas wars and skyrocketing gas fees, NFT providers use the whitelist to approve the individuals who will mint the NFT. These step reduces the amount of competition and regulates gas fees.
The Drawbacks of the Allow Lists
The one thing about whitelists is the frustration and the use of the personal time that comes as a package deal. When you want to get on a project before it launches, you spend countless hours engaging with providers on Discord and Twitter, and still, that does not guarantee you get in.
How to get on an NFT whitelist
To get on an NFT allow list, you will typically need to apply to the NFT provider and meet any requirements they have. These requirements may vary depending on the specific NFT project. Of course, you can always engage the providers on Discord and learn more about the conditions that range from financial to passion.
To apply for an NFT whitelist, you will typically need to follow the instructions provided by the NFT provider. This process may involve filling out an application form and giving documentation or other information to support your application.
It is essential to review the requirements for getting on an NFT whitelist and ensure that you meet the criteria to increase your chances of being added to the whitelist and mint NFTs.
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